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ip電視 民主進步黨 時事評論 精選內容 2017-08-11_女權高峰會 總統致詞



2017-08-11_女權高峰會 總統致詞

瀏覽次數: 2348 更新日期: 2017-08-17 17:01:54
資料來源: 民主進步黨 分享:

蔡英文總統致詞全文如下: Chairperson Balaguru former Vice President Lu former Chair Hsu Vice Chairperson Sophonpanich Chairperson de Vos van Steenwijk Director Heinze excellencies honoured guests ladies and gentlemen: Good morning and welcome to Taiwan. We are very happy to be hosting the CALD Women’s Caucus Conference for the first time. The Democratic Progressive Party the DPP is very honoured to collaborate with CALD to showcase women’s contributions to Taiwan’s democratisation. Since Taiwan lifted martial law 30 years ago the collective efforts of Taiwanese people have helped ensure women’s rights and increase their political participation. Taiwan’s journey towards women’s empowerment shows that promoting gender equality reinforces democratic and progressive values. As such we want to thank the speakers from Taiwan today but particularly Annette Lu our former vice president with their unshakable commitment to the promotion of equal rights for women you are an indispensable driving force for Taiwan’s democratisation. To fully realise gender equality in our society we must break the grip of traditional norms and give every woman the right to choose her role in society and a chance to pursue her aspirations. Over the past years we have been taking steadfast steps to achieve this goal. To begin with our Legislature has passed amendments requiring companies with over 100 employees to provide childcare and nursing facilities. Now to create a gender-friendly society we have taken steps to establish better long-term care systems that will reduce caregiving burdens on women. We also want to help women who are starting their own businesses by relaxing restrictions on entrepreneurship loans. Finally the Legislative Yuan’s Gender Equality Committee we do have a committee called gender equality committee in our legislature is also taking action to ensure that the idea of gender equality will inform all of our policies. Taiwan is not alone on this journey to women’s empowerment. As one of the CALD founding members we are most fortunate to have the continued support from all members empowering us along the way. And we will continue to utilise the CALD platform to strengthen our collaboration. In addition I am delighted to share with you that during last year’s APEC Economic Leaders’ Meeting Taiwan and the U.S. announced the establishment of the APEC Women and the Economy Sub-Fund. Indeed we have a long journey ahead of us to gender equality and women’s empowerment. This is why it is encouraging to be here with you all today as it is the commitment and devotion to these issues that brought all of us here today. I am certain that your insights will shed new light on the future direction of Taiwan’s journey to empowering women. And I hope you have a lovely time in Taiwan. Thank you. 歡迎各位來到臺灣。今年,亞洲自由民主聯盟(CALD)女權高峰會第一次在臺灣舉辦。我們很榮幸和CALD合作,跟來自各國的貴賓,一起分享女性對臺灣民主化的貢獻。 三十年前,臺灣解除戒嚴。在大家的努力之下,除了從制度面進行改革來保障女性的權益,女性參政比率也不斷上升。這一段追求女權的歷程證明了當我們持續努力促進性別平等,就能建立一個更民主進步的社會。 在這裡,我想要特別謝謝代表臺灣出席的專題講者,尤其是今天也在場的呂前副總統。她們奮鬥不懈為女性爭取權益,可以說是臺灣民主化歷程中的重要推手。請大家為她們鼓掌。 為了迎向性別平等的時代,我們必須突破傳統的框架,讓每一位女性在臺灣社會,都有足夠的選擇權和機會,去扮演她期待成為的角色、發揮最大的力量。 過去這一年,我們堅定地朝這個目標邁進。立法院通過修法,規範100人以上的公司必須提供托育設施。而為了建立性別友善社會,我們也著手建立更完善的長照體系,來照顧長者、減輕女性家庭照顧的負擔。我們也放寬了創業貸款的限制,希望協助更多女性開創事業。同時,立法院性別平等委員會也會持續努力,將性別主流化的概念落實在每一項政策當中。 在婦女賦權的這條路上,臺灣並不孤單。身為CALD的創始會員,一路走來,我們很幸運能夠擁有各會員的協助和支持。我們也期待透過這個平台,持續互助交流,促進彼此的合作。 此外,我想要特別跟大家分享的是,在去年APEC經濟領袖會議期間,臺灣和美國共同宣布合作成立「APEC婦女與經濟子基金」,持續協助區域國家推動婦女賦權。 提升女權、促進性別平等,是一條漫長艱辛的改革道路。我們今天共聚一堂,就是展現重視和決心。我相信,透過彼此的交流,我們可以為臺灣的女權發展帶來更多的思考和施政方向。









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