Taiwan Fund for Children and Families 65 Years! We have been on this journey to help people for sixty-five years. All of our workers have shared their love. That's why we have the courage and the warmth to continue for the sake of these children to persist in our mission. We believe that our sacrifices today must change the future.
60年前,一位小男孩失去了父母; 40年前,住在泥巴路盡頭的祖孫相依為命; 20年前,有一位男孩遍體麟傷等待救援; 而此刻,一位單親媽媽正為孩子教育和全家生計間苦惱......
往返弱勢家庭的路途,從泥巴路到柏油路, 載運物資的工具,從野狼(摩托車)成了小綿羊(摩托車), 穿梭在弱勢孩子的社工們,也在消逝的歲月中成長......
時間不停轉動,世界正在轉變,貧窮樣貌也有了變化, 但唯一不變的是,徜徉在血液中的社工精神, 一棒接一棒,往返弱勢家庭的摩托車聲沒有停止過, 只為了給孩子更美好未來!