Lighting Taiwan –Chushan, Nantou, 這是南投竹山的一群新移民媽媽, They are part of a group of new immigrant mothers in Nantou County’s Chushan. 10幾年前嫁來台灣,她們支撐起家庭,也支撐著茶區的採茶工作。 They came to Taiwan to marry more than 10 years ago. Now they sustain their families, just as they sustain the tea-picking labor at the tea plantations. 彎著腰低頭採茶,分不清是厚重的衣服, Bent at the waist with head down, picking tea, it becomes hard to tell whether it’s the heavy protective clothing 還是照射在背上的太陽,讓人一下就滿身是汗。 or the stark sunshine on my back that causes one to sweat all over. 姐妹們說,採茶期一上山就是一個月的時間, The “sisters” say that when they go up the mountain to pick tea, they are gone for a month at a time. 問他們家裡的孩子怎麼辦?好幾個人都說:「老公會照顧啊。」 Ask them, what about the kids? Most of them said, “My husband will take care of them.” 我們心目中的台灣就是這樣,無論什麼時候來到這裡, This is the Taiwan I see in my heart. No matter when you arrived here, 我們總能在這塊土地上,找到相互包容的相處方式。 we can all, on this piece of land, find ways to accommodate and get along with each other.